Step forward. Believe stronger.
Move bolder.

Rachel Salzberg
3 min readJan 7, 2021

As I spent this past long weekend snowshoeing, carving out a path, reflecting on; what I am thankful for, how I have grown, what I have learned about myself, and where I want to go this next year, I became keenly aware that the time is now to step forward, believe stronger, and move bolder in order to let go of paradigms that no longer serves us so we can realize our potential, individually and collectively.

Are you feeling the desire you to move in a new direction in how you think and feel, and carve a path unique to you in your career?

When you decide to step forward, believe stronger, and make bolder moves for yourself, you feel more confident, and proud of the steps taken, despite the fear. Momentum develops and you are more inclined to focus, and follow through with your dreams. Others will too be inspired to follow with their own unique footprint, ultimately making the world a better place.

As we close out this year, reflect on the paradigm shift and breakdown you have experienced:

  • What have you learned about yourself?
  • Where have you grown?
  • What do you want to let go of?
  • Where do you feel stuck?
  • What new direction do you want to move toward?
  • How do you want to transition your career?
  • How do you lead more consciously?
  • Do you want to believe and trust yourself to take bolder steps forward that align with your values and purpose?
  • Are you clear on what path to take?

Sometimes it’s hard to find your footing, especially when we have been disoriented this past year. Trust in yourself to make the commitment and create the space to firmly focus on creating new internal paradigm, and a future that aligns with your unique talents and gifts, passion and purpose. In order to get there, we can take these steps forward together:

1. Hold space for self-reflection.

Quiet the mind and be deeply honest with yourself. Instead of feeling held back, or heavy from outward circumstances, use this time to reflect. Clarity will surge if you let the limiting beliefs be released, dissolve and diminish the power grip holding you back. Then you are able to create new beliefs about yourself, career and life, that will allow you to step forward with confidence.

2. Claim the change.

Honor the clarity coming through as a new year, a new cycle, paradigm. Allow the change you are ready to claim, versus resist it with limiting beliefs that keep you stuck. New directions will have certainty to them even in topsy- turvy times. Your focus to claim is enough to create the momentum to move forward. Step by step. Small attainable goals, allow for patience and impact.

3. Focus and discipline.

It’s stirring in you. Let what thought patterns and beliefs that need to dissolve fall flat by focusing on future forming intentions, solutions and actions that create and shift into a new reality for you, regardless of how the external world looks. Take time to honor what you have learned, and shift your focus to where you want to go making way for you to realize your potential allowing yourself to come alive.

The time is now, more than ever, calling you to take time to reflect, release and open up to what you have thought you could never accomplish because you, or someone else told you so. The great news is that you don’t have to go it alone. Having an objective perspective, accountability partner, and one to help with this process is invaluable. As I found my path, I would love to help you develop the mindset necessary to believe in yourself, step forward with confidence, and to help you find the clarity to take action that allows you to be intentional in career, and to lead more boldly, and consciously.

Shine on ~



Rachel Salzberg

Leadership and Mindset Coach | Facilitator and Trainer | Speaker | Conscious Leader | Diversity and Inclusion Advocate | Life Long Learner